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Terms and Conditions

Refund Policy

Our desire is to serve you in the best way possible. The following is our official refund policy.  


First 24 Hours:

If you made a donation to Sacred Hearts and then changed your mind please contact us within 24 hours to be refunded your monies. 


Chargebacks and Returned Checks:

Returned checks, bank drafts, and chargebacks are assessed a $30 fee if they are returned unpaid for any reason. 


Billing Disputes:

For any questions regarding charges made to your credit card or bank account, please contact us immediately at We are happy to help you with any questions you may have and even happier to correct any billing errors on our part. 



Transaction Currency

This website uses the United Sates dollar. Any other forms of currency are not accepted.  



Shipping/Delivery Information

Services offered such as interventions, treatment support and counseling services are offered in person or online at an agreed upon time between Sacred Hearts and those requesting services. 



Terms of Use

By using this website you are agreeing to Sacred Hearts Terms of Use. This site may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information, the terms of which must be observed and followed. Information on this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Information may be changed or updated without notice. Sacred Hearts and its subsidiaries reserve the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, and/or cancel orders in its discretion, including, without limitation, if Sacred Hearts believes that customer conduct violates applicable law or is harmful to the interests of Sacred Hearts and its subsidiaries.  If you disagree with any of these terms or find them unacceptable in any way, please do not enter or use our website.  


This website is not intended for emergency responses or emergency monitoring services (medical, psychiatric or danger to self or others).  If you or someone you know has an emergency and that person is at risk of injury, death or harm to self or others dial 9-1-1 or appropriate emergency responders. Sacred Hearts is under no obligation to monitor or respond to communication or postings made to this website. 


Sacred Hearts may provide opportunities for you to participate in online communities (discussion boards, forums and chats) on the website or on social media platforms. If you participate your participation is governed by these Terms of Use.  Without limitation of any other obligations, you agree that you will be respectful of others and their privacy and will not submit information of others without their permission.


If you participate in Sacred Hearts social medial platforms or any other online discussion forum or chat forum you agree that anything you submit is being provided by you voluntarily, on a non-confidential basis and without any compensation due to you.  Always use caution in posting personally identifying information, and never exchange personal financial information, address, phone numbers or other personal information. 


By visiting this website, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Sacred Hearts, its officers, directors, employees and agents from and against all claims, actions, liabilities, demands, judgments, settlements and any other claim you might sustain with the use of this website.  Before seeking legal recourse for any harm you believe you have sustained arising from or related to the use of this website, you agree to inform Sacred Hearts in writing and to give us thirty (30) days to remedy the harm before initiating any action. 


Contact Information



Telephone: (213)709-8353



11271 Ventura Blvd. #723

Studio City, CA 91604



Privacy Policy

Here at Sacred Hearts we take privacy very seriously.  Sacred Hearts does not collect your personal information unless you provide that information to us. When you choose to provide us with your personal information, you are giving Sacred Hearts your permission to use that information for contact, donations and payment only. We will use the information you provide, such as email address, name, phone number, credit card number or bank account information only to respond to your inquiry, donation or payment to Sacred Hearts. Keep in mind that email transmissions are not encrypted by default, so we suggest you do not send sensitive information such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, or bank account information via contact forms. If such information is required and you wish to donate it will be via a web page that clearly states the page and its transmission of information is secure. All information we collect is secure and inaccessible by anyone outside of our organization. The precautions include advanced access controls to limit access to that information to only internal personnel who require access to that information. We also use technologies to protect all data stored on our servers and related systems. Our security measures are regularly upgraded and tested to ensure effectiveness. Whenever we collect any sensitive information (such as credit card or bank account information), the information is encrypted and securely transmitted. You are able to confirm this by looking for the 'lock' icon in the browser address bar, and also confirm that the URL link starts with 'https'. If you believe at any point that we are not following this privacy policy, please contact us immediately via email or telephone (213)709-8353.


Public Forums, Social Media and Third Party Platforms 

This website may include forums such as chat rooms and message boards.  This privacy policy does not protect you when you use public forums or provide personal and identifiable information about yourself.  You should be aware that any information shared in a public forum is public information and may be seen by third parties that do not adhere to our Privacy Policy. This website has links to social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.  Sacred Hearts does not own or control social media sites, and posting your information on social media sites is subject to the third party’s privacy policy and other legal terms, which may or may not provide privacy protections with which you agree.

© Sacred Hearts 2024 All Rights Reserved
Sacred Hearts is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
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